Solar Storms and Geomagnetic Storms
Solar Storms: Energetic Eruptions on the Sun
Solar storms are caused by the reconnection or bending back of magnetic fields. Stored magnetic energy is released in the form of heat, light, and plasma ejections.
Solar storms include various events where large amounts of energy and matter are ejected from the Sun:
- Solar flares: Sudden, intense bursts of radiation, particularly in X-ray and UV light.
- Coronal mass ejections (CMEs): Gigantic clouds of charged particles (e.g., electrons and protons) ejected into space at high speeds.
When a CME hits Earth, the plasma interacts with Earth’s magnetic field, triggering geomagnetic storms.
Geomagnetic Storms
A geomagnetic storm is a strong disturbance in Earth’s magnetic field caused by the interaction between solar activity and Earth’s magnetic field.
These disturbances occur when charged particles from the solar wind or CMEs collide with Earth’s magnetic field and transfer large amounts of energy.
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